How China creates Olympic gold medallists

China is one the countries which regularly tops the gold medal list in Olympics. Here is a look at how China trains and creates potential Olympic gold medallists. Chinese children undergo rigorous training from a very young age, as can be seen from the pictures below. (Click to enlarge images)

How China creates Olympic gold medallists - image 01

How China creates Olympic gold medallists - image 02

How China creates Olympic gold medallists - image 03

How China creates Olympic gold medallists - image 04

How China creates Olympic gold medallists - image 05

How China creates Olympic gold medallists - image 06

How China creates Olympic gold medallists - image 07

How China creates Olympic gold medallists - image 08

How China creates Olympic gold medallists - image 09

In the recent Olympics, many countries had raised objections stating that some of the Chinese Olympic participants were under-age and even the Chinese methods of coaching their Olympic participants were questioned.