My Lollypop

It's me and my lollypop
This was a sunny afternoon when Bianca and me were at our front yard
I taught her how to stand on her own - it was difficult, but FUN!
I wrote a poem just now - to show her how I feel about having a girlie girl like her
She's the sweetest thing that happened into my life.
In fact, She's my life!

I made a poem recently especially for Bianca, my daughter ... here it is:

She’s as sweet as
candy treat
She’s my heartbeat

She’s as cute as
the flowers bloom
She’s my sunny blossom

She’s as sweet as

the cotton candy
She’s my girlie baby

She’s the center of

my every step
She’s my Lollypop!


New Release Kit - Lollypop by Lindsay Jane

Check the kit here:

it's a new release kit from Lindsay Jane!

Well ... I am going to take a bath now ... have fun and enjoy!
