(Video) World's Fastest Car 1690 kmph Bloodhound SSC

British engineers have revealed plans to build the world's first 1,000mph car, the Bloodhound SSC, which is named after British supersonic air defence missiles. This car is expected to break the current world land speed record of 763 mph (1228 kmph).

The project is being handled by RAF wing commander Andy Green (who set the current land speed record of 763mph with Thrust SSC in 1997) and Richard Noble who conceived it.

The car will reach a speed of 1,050mph (1690 kmph) and outrun a bullet from a .357 Magnum revolver (which means you could effectively travel from Delhi to Mumbai in 45 minutes!!).

The Bloodhound SSC will use a combination of jet, rocket and piston-engined power to produce 20,000kg (45,000lb) of thrust in order to propel the 42ft long, 14,110lb car. The car will do 0 to 1,050 mph in just 40 seconds.

Andy Green will initially attempt 800mph next year, then 900mph in 2010 and finally 1,000mph in 2011. The venue has not been decided as yet, but possible locations include South Africa and Australia. Green's earlier record was set in the Black Rock Desert, Nevada.