Shara Lin Dancing Diva

Shara Lin Yixin performs with the piano, violin, and zither.
The above video on YouTube is of Lin Yixin (Shara Lin) performing Jolin Tsai's (Cai Yilin) "舞娘 (Dancing Diva)" with the zither, violin, and piano simultaneously as a "one girl band". It was uploaded 4 days ago on YouTube. It reached 1 million views 2 days ago and has so far accumulated over 1.8 million views and 21,000 likes total.
The below copy on popular Chinese video sharing website Youku has accumulated over 2.7 million views and nearly 27,000 upvotes since it was uploaded 3 days ago. It is currently the #2 most viewed video of the week on Youku where it is also circulating a lot on popular Chinese social network RenRen.
Shara Lin Yixin's Facebook page & Sina Weibo account.
Shara Lin Yixin preparing to perform.Shara Lin Yixin playing the piano, her violin under her chin.
Shara Lin Yixin plucking at the zither, her violin still under her chin.Shara Lin Yixin playing the violin.
Shara Lin Yixin finished with her performance, reaches over to turn off the camera.